
I just wanted to send out this quick email to remind you that tomorrow, March 3rd is the day of the California Primary. If you haven't already, make sure to send in your absentee ballot or head to your polling place and cast your ballot for me!

Can you donate now to help us flip the 42nd from a corrupt Trump Republican to an honest progressive Democrat? Every dollar helps us reach at least fifty more voters. You can donate here.

The campaign leading up the primary has been an incredible experience and I've been delighted to hit the ground and interact with the diverse constituents of the 42nd Congressional District. I look forward to pushing past the primary and unseating Ken Calvert in November! I would like to thank each and every one of you for your continued support— it has been an honor working with all of you and I look forward to many more months of collaboration!

Thank you, again, so very much and be sure to remind your friends and family to vote on March 3rd!


Dr. Liam O’Mara
Candidate for Congress
California’s 42nd Congressional District