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Eagle Forum
October 11, 2023
Take Action!
We Stand with Israel – Action Items for Every U.S. Citizen
Dear Friends,

When Cindy Honcoop, state director for Washington State Eagle Forum, offered to be the Eagle Forum Issue Chairman on Israel during Eagle Council 51, she had no idea that Israel would be under such a brutal attack and declaring war in less than a week!  She did not know, but the Lord surely did!

Cindy has created an Action for Israel Alert to be shared with all our relatives, friends, churches, and conservative groups. She reminds us, “Israel is a people set apart by God – His covenant people. Israel is also a friend and ally to America. We must rise and strongly defend her. It is imperative that EVERY AMERICAN engage in the defense of Israel! This war is going to be brutal and has the potential to be lengthy. I want you to pray it is NOT but prepare that it might!”
  1. Israel has declared war after being brutally attacked by Hamas. Today, there are news reports that Hezbollah is attempting to attack Israel from the north.

    It is urgent that every American contact their Congressman and Senators TODAY expressing adamant support for Israel! Every legislator must hear from those who love and support God’s people!

    Hamas and Hezbollah are terrorist groups that must not be supported in word or deed by the United States, including blocking Iran’s access to the $6 billion dollars (currently held in escrow in Qatar) that the Biden Administration made available to Iran in September. Iran has a long history of supporting and funding Hamas. According to Sen. Mike Lee, no money from that account can be released to Iran without approval of the U.S. Government.

    Our message: We support Israel and its ability to defend itself and respond to the terrorist attacks against the Israeli people. The Biden Administration and Congress must ensure that no more funds are made available to Iran or any other country or group that advocates harm to Israel.

  1. Pray Psalm 20 over Israel
    • May the Lord answer you in the day of trouble
      May the name if the God of Jacob protect you!
    • May He send you help from the sanctuary
      and give you support from Zion!
    • May He remember all your offerings
      and regard with favor your burnt sacrifices!  Selah
    • May He grant you your hearts desire
      and fulfill all your plans.
    • May we shout for joy over Your salvation,
      and in the name of our God set up our banners.
    • Now I know that the Lord saves His anointed
      He will hear him from His holy heaven
      with the saving strength of His right hand.
    • Some trust in chariots, and some in horses:
      but we will remember the name of the Lord our God.
    • They are brought down and fallen:
      but we are risen and stand upright.
    • Save, Lord: Let the kings hear us when we call.

  2. Share this alert with all your family and friends in every state!
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