
Like many of you, I have had trouble processing the atrocities that occurred over the weekend in Israel. My heart is with those affected, as well as my countless friends and family worried over the safety of their loved ones. The images that come over the TV or online seem too horrible to be real and too personal to be imaginable. 

For those who have lost loved ones, I want to express my deep condolences. May the memories of all who have been needlessly taken from us be a blessing. 

This past Saturday marked a day that should have been filled with celebration and joy – the Jewish holiday of Simchat Torah, a time for our community to come together in unity. Instead, Jewish families in Israel found themselves terrorized in unspeakable ways – fleeing for their lives or hiding in their homes.

It is with a heavy heart that I reflect upon the innocent lives lost. Hamas’s attacks on the Israeli people are unconscionable. This is a terrorist group that does not represent or have the best interests of the Palestinian people at heart. Both Israelis and Palestinians will continue to suffer as long as innocent civilians remain targets for terrorists. 

It is imperative that we stand resolute in our condemnation of such atrocities. Violence against civilians can never become the norm. We must work tirelessly to ensure that the sanctity of all human life is upheld, that the innocent are protected from the horrors of war, and that no one is subjected to war crimes.

In these dark hours, I know it is difficult to envision a path forward. Yet, it is my wish that one day peace will cease to be a distant dream and become a tangible reality within our grasp.

Please join me in standing with the people of Israel, and let’s work together towards a better, more harmonious world.

In solidarity and strength,

Nancy Goroff



















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