You know New Politics works with campaigns all over the country, all year round, up and down the ballot. We’re putting solid servant leaders in office everywhere we can; that’s a lot of races. Tiffani Sykhammountry
With all of these programs and races happening at once we need our support network to stay involved in real, tangible ways. You’ve told us before you want to help, now we’d love to hear from you on how. Take our 2023 Grassroots Supporter Survey now and let us know how you want to be involved →
With dozens of candidates on the ballot in multiple states in 2023 and 2024, we want to get you plugged into a servant leader campaign.
You want to protect our democracy: this is your sign to get involved. We are stronger when we work together.
Thank you for all the ways you support our NP candidates!
– Tiffani
Director of Development
New Politics