Dear John,
Every eligible voter deserves to be heard – and have our voices matter in selecting the people and policies that affect our family, friends, and community.
And as I'm sure you know, the way our voting maps are drawn makes a major difference.
That's why Common Cause and partners have created our Community Redistricting Report Card to look at mapmaking in all 50 states to see if it's fair and inclusive, and chart a better path forward.
Here are some of the highlights:
- States with independent redistricting commissions had the most transparent, participatory, and fair mapmaking processes in 2020.
- In states where politicians had the power to draw voting maps, they abused the process to give themselves and their party an advantage.
- We’re using the strengths and weaknesses of the 2020 redistricting cycle to inform our advocacy for fair maps in 2030.
Visit our website to see how your state did – and learn more about how YOU can take action to advance fair maps nationwide.
Common Cause has a long and successful history of combating gerrymandering across the country. We’ve used every tool in our arsenal to fight for fair maps – in the courts, in statehouses, and on the ballot.
Why? Because we know fair maps are essential for ensuring a healthy democracy and truly holding legislators accountable on the issues we care about – like education, the environment, the economy, healthcare, and more.
We’re proud of our success in winning fair maps in many states across the country, and are already working to make the 2030 redistricting cycle as participatory, fair, and inclusive as possible.
John, I hope you’ll take a look at our full report and take action for fair redistricting in your state and beyond.
Fair maps mean counting everyone equally, playing by the rules, and having a transparent process. We must end gerrymandering to create a democracy where everyone is heard.
Thanks for all you do,
Dan Vicuña, Director of Redistricting and Representation
and the team at Common Cause