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Hi Friend,

We believe that no one should be left behind, which is why we continue to fight on the ground and in the Courts to enable people with disabilities to thrive as full members of their community. 

If you agree that disabled people must have equal access to economic opportunity, then please show your support by signing your name today.  

Thank you, 


Forwarded Email Below: 

Dear Friend,

We are working to ensure that people with disabilities have access to the essential resources and necessary accommodations they need to thrive in their community. 

We believe that people with disabilities MUST have full access to healthcare, housing, and economic security. If you agree, then add your name to show your support right now. 

 People with disabilities are among the country’s poorest. They are twice as likely to live in poverty, and the high cost of healthcare restricts their ability to accumulate wealth.  

We are fighting in the Courts to empower people with disabilities. The ADA was designed to eliminate discrimination against disabled people. That’s why our attorneys consistently use the ADA as a legal backbone to dismantle systemic discrimination.  

In recent years, we’ve helped advance disability justice by doing the following: 

  • In 2022, we transformed all aspects of benefits administration in Suffolk County, NY, so disabled people now have an equal opportunity to receive and maintain benefits.   

  • We secured a landmark decision from the Sixth Circuit in a Medicaid home care case: unjustified isolation at home violates the Americans with Disabilities Act.   

  • We filed groundbreaking disability rights litigation against FEMA to secure accessible emergency housing. 

Help us continue our work. Click here to add your name to our statement of support today. 

Thank you,   

Dennis Parker   
Executive Director, National Center for Law and Economic Justice   

The National Center for Law and Economic Justice advances racial and economic justice through ground-breaking impact litigation, policy advocacy, and support for grassroots organizing. We have provided legal representation and support since 1965.
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