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As strike enters fourth week, GM gives in on EV jobs

As strike enters fourth week, GM gives in on EV jobs

Over 25,000 autoworkers are on strike at selected plants of General Motors, Ford and Stellantis. The strike began at three plants when the contracts with the United Auto Workers expired midnight Sept. 14, and was expanded the next two Fridays to include 38 parts warehouses and two more assembly plants. . . .

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Protests denounce U.S.-NATO war in Ukraine

Protests denounce U.S.-NATO war in Ukraine

San Francisco  The Peace in Ukraine Coalition called twin demonstrations here on Oct. 4 demanding Congress stop funding the U.S./NATO war in Ukraine. The protests were part of a week of action in over 40 cities in the U.S. and Canada and over 30 cities overseas. San Francisco, Oct. 4. . . .

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On the picket line

On the picket line

Robert Wood Johnson University, Kaiser Permanente strikes  Registered nurses at Robert Wood Johnson University Hospital in New Brunswick, New Jersey, have taken action against corporate greed and exploitation as well as union-busting tactics. Their strike is into its third month. The 1,700 nurses, represented by United Steelworkers Local 4-200, are . . .

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‘Bans off Ohio!’

‘Bans off Ohio!’

Reproductive justice activists rallied in downtown Cleveland Oct. 8 to promote a “yes” vote on Issue 1 in the November election. If passed, Issue 1 would amend the Ohio constitution to enshrine abortion access, contraception access and miscarriage care.  Cleveland Issue 1 rally 10-8-23. In 2019, the Ohio legislature passed . . .

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Haiti, Kenya and imperialist maneuvering

Haiti, Kenya and imperialist maneuvering

Bulletin: According to an Oct. 9 comment from the Communist Party of Kenya on X, a “Nairobi Court has temporarily halted the planned deployment of police officers to Haiti,” calling this ruling “a significant step in ensuring justice.” About half of all Haitians don’t get enough food on a daily . . .

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