From Margaret White, No Labels <>
Subject In the world’s most challenging moments, America needs to lead as one nation.
Date October 11, 2023 12:57 PM
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The horrific invasion of Israel requires a strong American response. Congress must put aside the partisan politics that keep it from acting and unite to support our ally.


The horrific scenes from Israel and Gaza underscore the increasingly volatile world in which we live, with Hamas terrorists murdering and kidnapping innocent civilians and plunging the region into chaos.

Former Connecticut Senator Joe Lieberman, Founding Cochair of No Labels, was in Israel visiting family when the attacks unfolded and he wanted to share some of his thoughts on what’s he seen and what it means to the No Labels community.

Sen. Lieberman says: “We’re a big family. We’re an American family, and I hope and pray that it doesn’t take a catastrophe like 9/11 or the Hamas terrorist attack of this past weekend to make the point to our fellow Americans and particularly those in politics, that we at No Labels make every day, which is we’re part of the same country. We’re blessed to be Americans. We’re part of the same family, the American family. Okay, we can have disagreements, but they're not more important than what we have in common. So, from Jerusalem, which literally means the City of Peace, I pray for peace.”

Sen. Lieberman on terrorism in Isreal ([link removed] )

With the escalating crisis in Israel and the war in Ukraine, America's leadership has never been more important.

But our Congress is stuck in limbo after last week’s vote to remove Rep. Kevin McCarthy as House Speaker. This dysfunction simply can’t continue and here’s just a few reasons why.

An overwhelming majority of our congressional representatives stand united in favor of extending crucial aid to Israel. But a Congress without a speaker is one that can’t pass any legislation. A Congress without a speaker is one that can’t work to avert a government shutdown hurtling towards us on November 17, if we don’t pass budget plans.

This isn’t the time for internal squabbles or political showmanship. Our strength lies in our ability to set aside differences and unite for the greater good.

As a supporter of No Labels, you embody the spirit of unity that Washington desperately needs right now. We need to resolve the deadlock in Congress, not just to extend assistance to our ally, but to present a united front in this moment of crisis.

Thank you for being a part of this vital movement. Your support fuels our relentless efforts to rekindle America’s spirit of cooperation and unity.

Margaret White

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