Total’s business plan is doomed. Fossil fuels are coming to an end and they know it. So what can Total do to stay relevant?
Clean up their climate criminal image by sponsoring one of the world's most popular events: the Rugby World Cup.
We can’t let Total use rugby as another comms strategy to greenwash the hellish future it’s creating for us all.
Tobacco companies have already been kicked out of sports -- we can do the same for fossil fuels.
Are you ready to tell key decision makers to kick fossil fuel companies off the pitch? Our future is not a game!
John, tell the World Rugby Council: no more deals with climate criminals like TotalEnergies.
Rugby is the ultimate team sport, you need your teammates to move forward. It teaches you values like solidarity, bravery and respect. Yet for decades, TotalEnergies has demonstrated anything but that.
The truth is Total has known that their business was causing climate collapse since 1971. And chose to run mass disinformation campaigns so they could continue to rake in record profits at the expense of our futures. Sounds more like selfishness, cowardice and disrespect.
TotalEnergies is an expert at manipulating the public, we need to take away their branding platform:
John, tell World Rugby that you don’t want to see fossil fuel sponsors like TotalEnergies anymore !
Even if TotalEnergies is spending millions to make you think that it is some kind of ‘renewable energy leader’, they can’t change the facts: Only 0.61% of Total’s energy output was created by renewables in 2022.
Thanks to people like you, John, Total’s lies and destruction around the world are being exposed and the walls are finally closing on them: In France, Uganda, Myanmar, Latin America, Yemen and even in the Arctic. You are millions to mobilise yourselves against the apocalyptic world that Total wants to impose on us.
We can’t let them keep lying to the public: it’s time to give them a red card and bench fossil fuels for good.
Tell the World Rugby Council: no deal with a climate criminal like TotalEnergies again.

Tobacco Tactics. 20 November, 2022.