Dear VCC Community, With the announcement of hostilities in the Middle East we are once again confronted with a fearful and confusing narrative. We are told that Hamas terrorists successfully overcame Israeli border controls and strategic air defenses and invaded Israel killing innocent people. A terrifying story that evokes a strong reaction. My question is – Is this story true? Are we certain its true? The same agents who lied to us about COVID and the safety and efficacy of the vaccines are now telling us this is an unforeseen and
unprovoked war. It may well be, however, these agents and sources have not been trustworthy messengers in the past. The bottom line is that those of us who rely on mainstream media and government agents for our information do not know what is true and what is fiction. We have been massively deceived with virtually every major historic event. Each of these have one element in common – they evoke a strong reaction and invite, even demand, an immediate solution. Those who do not agree with the solution are also considered enemies of all that is good and virtuous. There is a saying that warns – If you don’t think for yourself, someone will do it for you. Be wary of those who want you to take the advice of another rather than
decide for yourself. Ultimately it is our responsibility to gather information and utilize our common sense and critical thinking skills. Be wary of those who want to erode or deny personal decision-making and instead have you blindly follow the dictates of others. Behavioral scientists have long known that fear makes people compliant with authority. As such, fear is an indispensable social engineering tool. Fear based emotions shut down our ability to think critically, which is exactly what they want. Be wary of propaganda that has the effect of creating division. If you feel fear, shame or guilt, it’s likely propaganda whose agenda is beyond what is being presented. I invite you to be discerning as we engage this new global
event. Ted |