This is important, folks --

The last time Donald Trump was in Colorado, he fired up his right-wing base and raked in hundreds of thousands of dollars (just a picture with him cost $25,000?!) to boost up our opponent.

Now, he’s in North Carolina trying to do the same thing by campaigning against my friend, Democrat Cal Cunningham.

So before going any further, I have to ask:

Can you rush a split contribution of $10 or more before Trump gets to North Carolina to help Cal’s team prepare for the incoming Trump attack machine? We can’t let Trump give Republicans a surge in momentum, not at such a critical moment like this.

If you've saved your payment information with ActBlue Express, your donation will go through immediately:

Both Cal and I have really good shots at flipping these Senate seats blue. A new poll released yesterday shows Cal a whole five points ahead of his Republican opponent.

That’s why Washington Republicans like Trump keep coming back to our states (in fact, Trump is visiting North Carolina for the FOURTH time today) hoping to tilt the balance of these competitive races.

And it’s also why Mitch McConnell’s super PAC and billionaire friends are spending millions of dollars trying to buy these Senate seats and keep their grip on the majority.

We can’t let them get away with it, folks. That’s why I’m turning to you during this incredibly important moment:

Can you split a donation of whatever you can afford between mine and Cal’s campaigns for U.S. Senate? Together, we can flip our seats blue and take back the majority for Democrats. But first, we have to help Cal fight back against Trump tonight.

If you've saved your payment information with ActBlue Express, your donation will go through immediately:

Thanks for everything you’re doing to help us, and Democrats everywhere, grow and sustain our movement. With your help, we’ll be ready for whatever Trump throws our way.

— John