News from Representative Clarke

March 2, 2020


As we enter into Women's History Month, we celebrate women who have made tremendous contributions to the vitality of our economy by leading successful businesses, providing jobs for the people in our communities and guaranteeing quality products and services nationally and internationally.  


One women I am proud to honor is my mother, Dr. Una Clarke, the first foreign-born NYC council member.  I am lucky to stand upon my mother's shoulders to carry on her legacy, first in the city council and now as I represent the neighborhood we love in Congress. View post here. 








Last week marked a critical, life-changing moment for the Black community, specifically for Black tobacco users. I took an important vote on H.R. 2339, the Reversing the Youth Tobacco Epidemic Act of 2019 that included language that would legally ban menthol products, in turn, creating more stop and frisk opportunities for Black Americans. Considering the fact that 90 percent of Black smokers use menthol products, menthol tobacco users would live in fear of new stop and frisk opportunities under this legislation, because menthol would now be considered an illegal flavor. View my full statement here.


I wrote an Op-Ed regarding H.R 2339, the Reversing the Youth Tobacco Epidemic Act of 2019. Read my Op-Ed as it appears in The Hill here.




Committee on Energy and Commerce:


Wednesday, February 26, 2020

Subcommittee on Environment and Climate Change Hearing on the Fiscal Year 2021 EPA Budget

  • The American Lung Association estimates that 140 million Americans now live in areas with unhealthy levels of air pollution, which disproportionately impacts communities of color. When will this Administration recognize that the American people want clean water to drink, clean air to breathe and policies that enable us to mitigate and adapt to the climate crisis? Watch my committee remarks here. 



Subcommittee on Oversight and Investigations Hearing on In the Dark: Lack of Transparency in the Live Event Ticketing Industry

  • Whether people are taking their families to The Barclay’s Center or historic Kings Theater, it is very important to me that my constituents are protected against fraud and other illegal practices, which have been all too common within this ticketing marketplace for too long.

Thursday, February 27, 2020


Subcommittee on Communications and Technology Hearing on Strengthening Communications Network to Help Americans In Crisis 

  • Puerto Ricans have experienced a series of natural disasters that have become more frequent and more severe due to climate change. We will continue to call attention to these resiliency issues and support the legislation drafted to address the challenges.





Standing shoulder to shoulder with my Sorors to encourage Brooklynites to fill out the 2020 Census. Our work to spread the importance of filling out the Census won’t stop until every person in our community is counted. View tweet here.



It was a pleasure speaking as a panelist for the Black Women Talk Tech Conference, hosted by the Deputy Public Advocate. The discussion was focused on what action can be made to create policy that will drive change in the tech space for women and underrepresented communities. View tweet here. 




The strength of a community is often exemplified through its commitment to its youth. Thank you to my friends at Luria Academy of Brooklyn for investing in the next generation of thoughtful leaders and change-makers. Last week's gala was beautiful and I’m glad to have been a part of it. Mazel Tov! Your efforts make NY-09 stronger each day. View post here.




Blessed to have worshipped at my home church— St. Gabriel’s Episcopal Church. Thank you for leading us in prayer, Bishop Allotey. View post here. 




Committee on Homeland Security: 

Tuesday, March 3, 2020

A Review of the Fiscal Year 2021 Budget Request For the Department of Homeland Security 
  • The hearing will discuss the 2021 Budget with Honorable Chad Wolf, Acting Secretary, U.S. Department of Homeland Security. 

Wednesday, March 4, 2020 

Confronting the Coronavirus: Perspectives on the Response to a Pandemic Threat 

  • The hearing will examine the Coronavirus pandemic and discuss Congress' response to combating it. 

Committee on Energy and Commerce: 

Wednesday, March 4, 2020

Subcommittee on Environment and Climate Change Hearing on, Reduce, Reuse, Recycle, Reform: Addressing America's Plastic Waste Crisis

  • This hearing will address America's plastic waste crisis and discuss the benefits of eliminating plastics from our communities. 




This is a step in the right direction toward healing generational trauma, denouncing this nation’s dark history of white supremacy and honoring the bloodshed of our ancestors. View tweet here. 




The Census is a powerful tool that will determine who is powerful and who is powerless.   An accurate count informs how billions of dollars in federal funding gets distributed annually for health clinics, after-school activities, road repairs, senior services and hundreds of other programs. And the census only occurs once every ten years, so don’t miss out on your chance to make a difference. View tweet here. 




As Black History Month closed, we remembered the great works of African Americans, like Harriet Tubman, a civil rights activist that called this nation to its conscience in her effort to fulfill the promise of equality in our Declaration of Independence and defined the culture of the United States. View tweet here.




Last week marked the one year anniversary of the Medicare for All bill. No family should go into debt or bankruptcy due to medical bills. I will continue to fight for Medicare for All to ensure that Americans have access to affordable and accessible health care resources. View tweet here. 





Gun violence continues to plague our community. We must pressure the do-nothing-senate to put lives above lobbies. View tweet here.



As Black History Month closed, we focused our attention on the future, and affirmed our shared commitment to creating a civil society in which the rights to which all American are entitled – such as the right to vote, the right to participate in our nation’s prosperity and the right to all the privileges of citizenship – are protected by law. Watch video here.




I remember my beloved neighbor Ari on the anniversary of his death, when he was killed in a terrorist attack targeted at Chabad-Lubavitch Orthodox students. We must denounce anti-Semitism in Ari’s honor because our Jewish brothers & sisters deserve to be protected no matter where they go. View tweet here. 



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