The Bloody Promises of the Orange-Hued Malignancy
Refuse Fascism Episode 174 uploaded October 8: Sam Goldman talks with writer and historian Paul Street (also on the RefuseFascism.org
Editorial Board) about recent events including the fascist attempts to
shut down the government, the ouster of Kevin McCarthy from the Speaker
of the House, and the
increasingly violent threats and promises of vengeance from current
frontline candidate for president and as-yet un-convicted coup plotter
Donald Trump.

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Paul Street: It's a MAGA episode. They've even, just to show the depth and degree of their fealty to their orange hued tyrant leader, Cyrus Trump, they were seriously broaching Trump himself as the Speaker [of the House]! Their role within the division of labor of the fascist project in this country is to wreck things and to tear shit up. They're not anarchists, but they're part of the project of creating space for Trump to come back in and not to just take down the administrative state, nor to take down the, the so called "deep state", but to take it over.
Sam Goldman: McCarthy was no moderate either. There's an argument, there's a tension over methods in the centrality of their role to amplify the undisputed leader of the Republi-fascist Party, which is Trump. It is this group, that is not the minority, as much as people would like it to be, that is setting the tone and tenor for politics across this nation. It is the MAGA movement, and Trump at its center that are shaping politics, that are setting the terms. Which is why this appeasement that McCarthy attempted failed so miserably. If they're continued to be called a fringe, or that this is a fringe movement, or that they're not the majority, or that it's just a section, we're continuing to minimize the threat.
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