Hi John,

I wanted to give you this important reminder: tomorrow is election day across Texas. It is a day when you can make sure your voice is heard in our primary elections and make sure you get out and vote.

If you have not voted yet, tomorrow is your final day. Make sure you visit Texas’ Secretary of State’s website for helpful information on your polling place and everything you need when you arrive at the ballot box.

When you arrive at your polling place tomorrow, make sure you have the following forms of identification to make sure everything goes smoothly:

✔️ Texas Drivers License

✔️ U.S. Passport 

✔️ Texas Election ID Certificate 

✔️ Texas Personal Identification Card 

✔️ Texas Handgun License 

✔️ U.S. Citizenship with Photo 

✔️ U.S. Military ID Card with Photo

If you do not possess a form of acceptable photo identification and you cannot reasonably obtain one, show a supporting form of identification to the election official and execute a Reasonable Impediment Declaration. The election official will ask if you have moved and then ask you to sign the list of people who have voted in the precinct.

Make sure to vote to get your voice heard and get North Texas the representation it deserves! 



P.S. Don't forget the election judges cannot prevent you from voting if you are in line by 7pm, so please, STAY IN LINE TO VOTE!




Pol. Adv. Paid for by Marc Veasey Congressional Campaign Committee

Marc Veasey Congressional Campaign Committee
PO Box 50084
Fort Worth, TX 76105
United States