In 2023, Georgia Republicans have been busy attacking our freedom to vote. So we’ve also been busy working to stop them. 

In 2023, Georgia Republicans have been busy attacking our freedom to vote. 

So we’ve also been busy working to stop them:

  1. When Georgia Republicans announced their plan to remove nearly 190,000 Georgians from the rolls in August, we called and texted 49,266 impacted voters — connecting them with tools to maintain their registrations ahead of critical upcoming elections in Georgia.
  2. When Gov. Brian Kemp signed seven laws aimed at removing lawfully appointed Black and Democrat members from county Boards of Elections (BOEs) in May, we deployed our Democracy Watch volunteers to push back against extremists’ anti-voter agenda in BOE meetings and help ensure the appointment of the first Black female chair in Fulton County.
  3. When Georgia Republicans attempted to pass harmful anti-voter bills during the legislative session this Spring, including attempts to eliminate ballot dropboxes and make it easier to throw out mail-in ballots, we mobilized pro-voter activists to contact their representatives urging them to vote “no” and ultimately helped defeat 7 of these bills.

Whether you’ve spoken out or chipped in to fuel our work to combat anti-voter extremism, or you’re new to the Fair Fight team, thank you for everything you’ve done to make these actions possible.

And it’s no coincidence that Georgia Republicans are making every effort to restrict our freedom to vote in 2023 — because they see this as an opportunity to weaken our democracy for the upcoming pivotal election in 2024.

To ensure that Fair Fight can continue to combat extremists’ anti-voter schemes with the full force of this pro-voter movement — just as we have throughout 2023 — will you make a contribution right away?

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Thank you for all your support, 

The Fair Fight Team