Canvass for Joshua Cole on
October 15 and November 5!

Sister District DC/VA/MD will canvass for Joshua Cole on October 15 and we are organizing carpools to leave from the DC area at 10:30 am that day. All you have to do is show up, bring your friends, and help us knock on some doors! If you can help transport volunteers, great; if not, no problem!  We will find a ride for you.


Canvassing is one of the most effective ways to increase voter turnout — and it's FUN if we do it together. Virginia's legislative elections can be very close. In 2021, Democrats lost the majority in the House by a total vote difference of 733 in the three closest districts. Joshua Cole's new 65th District is considered extremely competitive. Your canvassing efforts can make a critical difference!


Your Sister District DC/VA/MD Leaders

Sarah, Karen, Jennie, Alan, Jim, Mary, Kara, and Jeff


Paid for by Sister District Project.  Authorized by Joshua Cole, candidate for HD 65..