Friend, Our partners at The New Republic are hosting an exciting event tomorrow and we’re inviting you to be a part of it: the Stop Trump Summit! With the former president polling at the top of the Republican field, and the danger of a catastrophic second term looming on the horizon, the New Republic is gathering some of the top thinkers and commentators in politics for a day of urgent conversations. Register today to watch the livestream beginning at 9:00 AM tomorrow! >> When you register be sure to put ‘PFAW’ when asked how you heard about the event: Speakers include:
During the summit, commentators will examine the disasters of Trump’s first term, the state of the legal cases against him, his own strange psychology and that of his MAGA followers, and the messaging and polling on his 2024 campaign – everything concerned voters want to know about making sure he never takes office again. This is sure to be an exciting and engaging event, so don’t wait to save your spot – RSVP now to attend! >> We hope you can join us, Zach VanHouten