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I wanted to see if you saw my note below. We're stepping up support efforts now in many VOA locations, ahead of the holidays. With the recent drop in temps, we know more people are facing cold at nighttime without a roof over their heads.

Your gift to VOA can help someone with safe shelter, or a warm meal awaiting them when they walk through our doors. And so much more. Not only can you fill hearts, but you can save lives this holiday season. Thank you for doing what you can today! Tanisha

I can help >

From: Tanisha Smith, Volunteers of America
Date: Thursday, October 5

family at Thanksgiving table

What’s your favorite part of Thanksgiving, Friend?

For me, it’s right before we “dig in”... the family gathers around the dinner table and we give thanks, for so many blessings. (Maybe you share a similar table scene?)

For many people and families, there won’t be any turkey, table or gathering this Thanksgiving, while they battle homelessness and hunger. As I write this, VOA responders are very busy on the scene providing safe shelters, hot meals, and other care and support. We must reach many more people, in time for Thanksgiving.

Please make your Thanksgiving gift >>

When the love of Hilda's life passed away after 40 Thanksgivings together, her grief gripped on tight, as the bills began piling up. Her savings dwindled to near nothing and Hilda was scared, on the verge of losing her home. Then she found us at Volunteers of America.

Our staff made sure Hilda had basic essentials and housing support. Now she could focus on healing and health, without worrying about a roof over her head.

Hilda's story had a happy ending, but many "stories" remain unfinished this Thanksgiving…lives at the brink, between hopeful change and devastating loss.

A bed and a meal are often all that's needed. Your gift to VOA today will provide hope this holiday through basic essentials and ongoing care and support.

Will you help finish their story, Friend?

Donate now >>
$10/monthly - increase your impact >>

Thank you so much,

Tanisha Smith, Vice President
Volunteers of America


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