At the info session, we’ll answer your questions about the training and give you tips on how to make your application stand out. 

Arena Community,


Tomorrow, we’re hosting an info session for our next training, Arena Academy 201: Digital Skills. RSVP to learn more about the training and how to make your application stand out.


Event Details:
Info Session for Arena Academy 201: Digital Skills 
Wednesday, October 11 at 8 p.m. ET (tomorrow!)
LINK: RSVP here>

Arena Academy 201: Digital Skills. A training for experienced campaign staff to level up their digital skills. Priorities USA logo and Arena logo are next to each other. A photo of happy people on Zoom in a computer is featured next to the text Apply by Oct. 22. The training is held Dec. 8-10 online.

We’re thrilled to partner with Priorities USA to help you level up your digital skills. At the training you’ll learn about advanced digital campaign topics, including media planning; analytics, data, and testing; and the changing landscape of paid and social media.


Arena Academy 201: Digital Skills is meant for experienced campaign staff who currently hold or are looking for digital positions as well as those who would benefit from understanding how to integrate digital into their programs.


During the info session, we’ll answer your questions about the training and give you tips on how to make your application stand out. 


RSVP to tomorrow's info session for Arena Academy 201: Digital Skills>>


If you work at an organization or on a campaign and think that your staff would benefit from this training email [email protected] to discuss if your team is a good fit for partnership. 


If you're ready to apply today, get started here!


See you there, 


Debra Cohen
Arena Partner and Digital Director