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Friend -


During the past several days, we’ve all been reminded – in horrific detail – about the evil that human beings can bring upon each other.


Hamas terrorists massacred innocent Israelis in their homes, wantonly slaughtered hundreds of people at a music festival, and took families of hostages that include elderly women and small children.


The attacks perpetrated by Hamas on Israeli civilians are terrorism at its most barbaric.


I wholeheartedly condemn Hamas’ actions, which cannot ever be justified.


And I stand with Israel, which has a right to defend itself.  


Our strongest ally in the Middle East needs our support NOW.  This is no time for political gamesmanship.  I will work in Congress to restore order so America can respond to this moment of crisis.


Furthermore, I have been horrified by the scenes of vicious antisemitism that have emerged on the streets of American cities.  It’s heartbreaking to see this hatred boil over here in the USA, which has been a refuge for religious freedom throughout our history.  Americans of all faiths must stand together in solidarity against this dangerous evil.


I hope you will join me in prayer for the victims of all this violence, for their families, and for the peace that has been so elusive in the Middle East.


Thank you.



Brad Finstad

PO Box 923

New Ulm, MN 56073
