Breaking news stories the media complex won't cover. Share widely. For more information on any post below, click through to read the full article on our website. . In Israel: 'Babies Discovered With Their Heads Cut Off”. “The Israeli soldiers ...

Breaking news stories the media complex won't cover. Share widely.

For more information on any post below, click through to read the full article on our website.

In Israel: ‘Babies Discovered With Their Heads Cut Off”
“The Israeli soldiers discovered babies with heads cut off”

“The Israeli soldiers discovered families butchered altogether, women raped, children killed while playing, babies with heads cut off”

Hamas beheaded babies in accordance ...

Biden’s Special Iran Envoy Spied for Iran:”Worst State Department scandal since Alger Hiss”
Biden's Iran envoy Robert Malley was quietly placed on unpaid leave in June for his handling of “protected material.” We need to see Malley’s bank records…

Tablet Magazine reported last week:

High-Level Iranian Spy Ring Busted in ...

Watch: Islamic Cleric at Pro-Terror Rally in Times Square: “Islam is the Correct Religion…We Will Not Stop Until it Enters Every Home.”
In case you were still clinging to your left-dictated delusions.

“Islam is the correct religion. This is the religion that all of humanity needs to be upon- Islam. And we will not stop until it enters every home.” This is not a ‘religion ...

Saudis Put Talks on Normalizing Ties With Israel ‘On Hold’
Biden and the Democrats got their wish to break the historic peace in the Middle East. May they choke on their hate.

As for the Saudis helping their bitter enemy Iran – it's a riddle wrapped in a mystery inside an enigma or it's Islam. ...

Kidnapped Americans that the Biden Regime is Ignoring
It's all very ominous. Nine Americans have been kidnapped and our Democrat 'president' is throwing barbecues and tweeting about junk fees.

A mother and daughter from north suburban Evanston are missing and feared to be among the dozens of ...

WATCH Muslim Demo in Australia: “Gas the Jews!”
The Aussie police protected the bloodthirsty jihadis and ARRESTED a peaceful man with an Israeli flag.

Islamic Jew hatred is a central tenet of Islam and the root cause of the jihad against the Jewish state.

Read the Hamas Charter. ...

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