Dear John,

The young colt called “Najem” — Arabic for “Star” — was rolling around on the ground in desperate pain. As our team sprang into action, I worried about how much more he could take. But I had an idea of what might be the source of his problem.

In many families we serve, poverty runs so deep that their working animals don’t get enough to eat... driving the animal to eat rope, plastic bags, and other inedible objects — anything to make themselves feel full.

Our examination of Najem’s gastrointestinal tract revealed an alarming silence: nothing was moving. He was distended. His vitals were alarming. The colt lay on the ground, panting, his heart racing. He was too wracked with pain to stand. With the support of caring friends like you, we began life-saving treatment.

Our team went to work, and provided continuous intensive care and treatment, beginning with an IV to get him hydrated and stabilized. Finally, on Day 3, Najem’s condition shifted. His system began functioning again (and yes, we found that he had indeed eaten ropes, plastic bags, and other foreign objects).

Soon Najem was trotting, playful. His vitals were good. He began wandering around the clinic like a curious guest. Najem, the star, was shining again!

My friend, Najem’s victory was your victory, too. Through your kindness and generosity, you were here in spirit through it all. Please renew your support now to save the next shining star who comes through our gates!

With my heartfelt thanks,


Dr. Ahmed Khairoun

P.S. We’re struggling to cope with a record-breaking increase in caseload! Last year, we treated 133 animals in the first quarter. This year, an astonishing 526 over the same time period — a nearly 300% increase! More and more animals need medical attention, which is why I urgently need your help.


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