
It’s less than 24 hours until Super Tuesday! So many exciting things are happening in the Democratic Party across the countryand tomorrow 14 more states, one territory, and Democrats Abroad will make their voices heard in this incredibly important election.

In addition to the crucial presidential primary contests, three of our endorsed candidates also have Congressional primaries on Tuesday.

Janessa Goldbeck (CA-53), Gina Ortiz Jones (TX-23), and Kim Olson (TX-24) are all working around the clock to win their primaries, and any last-minute help we can provide could be make or break for them.

Here are the links to their contribution pages. A donation to any or all of them would be greatly appreciated!

Donate to Janessa Goldbeck (CA-53)

Donate to Gina Ortiz Jones (TX-23)

Donate to Kim Olson (TX-24)

Thank you for your continued support as the candidates sprint down the homestretch.

Talk soon,

Serve America