ORCA UPDATE: In just the last two decades, the population of southern resident
orcas has dropped by 15 whales. This startling decline has continued despite orcas being listed as endangered
under the Endangered Species Act. A key culprit in their continued decline? The
shipping and fossil fuel industries.
Despite being protected under the ESA, orca habitat continues to be flooded with
pollution from the shipping and fossil fuel industries. And the proposed Trans Mountain Pipeline and Robert Banks T2 shipping terminal
could be the final nail in the species’ coffin. Please, sign our petition by midnight to save the 73 remaining orcas.
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[[link removed]]Orcas need your HELP. We recently reported the death of Cappuccino. The last
time he was seen in July, his dorsal fin had completely collapsed. His body was wasting away . With no fat left on him, it was presumed he could no longer keep his body
afloat -- forcing him to sink and drown . His body could not be recovered.
Cappuccino and Marina’s deaths are a dire warning. Orcas are under attack ! Shipping noise and fossil fuel megaprojects are destroying their habitat and
food source. With only 73 Southern Resident Killer Whales remaining, we must ACT
fast. Please help us collect 198 more signatures to protect orcas. Sign our petition now, before midnight. Demand Big Polluters STOP destroying
orca habitat before it’s too late.
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[[link removed]]Thank you for taking action,
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