FL-27 Newsletter
Vol. 118, Issue #35
Dear Friends/Amigos,

I wanted to start my message to you by remembering the Israeli men, women, and children who lost their lives to the barbarous attacks Hamas terrorists waged on them simply for being Israeli.

From Miami, we stand with Israel. From the House Foreign Affairs Committee, I will do everything possible to help Israel defend itself.

This upcoming week, my office will be holding Service Academy Recruitment Day on October 12th from 6pm to 8pm at the West Miami Recreational Center! If you or any of your loved ones live in District 27 and are interested in attending a military academy and/or need a nomination, feel free to drop by! More information below!

As always, I invite you to connect with me on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter, to get the latest from Washington and from across our district.


María Elvira Salazar
U.S. Representative (FL-27)
This past week, I sent a letter to the Chair of the Export-Import Bank Reta Jo Lewis thanking her for holding our international partners accountable when it comes to aiding the Cuban regime!

Under her leadership, the Bank denied over $800 million to Pemex, the Mexican state-owned oil company, after supplying free fuel to the Castro/Diaz-Canel regime! This was a great decision, and I am relieved to see at least one agency within the Biden Administration is committed to enforcing American law against the tyrants in Havana.

Since taking office in 2018, Mexican President Andrés Manuel López Obrador (AMLO) has displayed an accommodating attitude towards the Cuban regime. Estimates for this year show that the Mexican government will send over $200 million in free fuel to Havana. This move protects taxpayer funds from providing a lifeline to Diaz-Canel and his lackeys.

For more information, read the full press release HERE.

¡Para leer el comunicado de prensa sobre la carta que envié a la Presidenta del Banco de Exportación e Importación de Estados Unidos felicitándola por negar un préstamo de $800 millones a Petróleos Mexicanos (PEMEX) por suministrar combustible gratuito al régimen cubano, haga clic AQUÍ!
Throughout the week, I joined numerous news channels to keep you, my constituents, informed of the latest updates on how I am defending the interests of Miami in Washington and abroad. Click above to see some of those interviews!

A lo largo de la semana, me uní a numerosos canales de noticias para mantenerlos a ustedes, mis electores, informados sobre las últimas novedades sobre cómo estoy defendiendo los intereses de Miami en Washington y en el extranjero. ¡Haga clic arriba para ver algunas de esas entrevistas!
Are you or anyone you know looking into applying to a military or service academy?

Anyone who resides in Florida's 27th District is welcome to attend my office's Service Academy Recruitment Day!

On Thursday, October 12, 2023 from 6pm to 8pm at the City of West Miami Recreational Center, my office will be meeting with candidates interested in attending any of the five service academies (the U.S. Military Academy, U.S. Naval Academy, U.S. Air Force Academy, U.S. Coast Guard Academy, and U.S. Merchant Marine Academy) and who are looking for nominations!

Reminder: While nominations from Members of Congress are not required for entry into a Service Academy, they definitely bolster your application! For more information on qualifications for a nomination, click HERE.

Read the full details on the event below. I hope to see you there!

Have questions? Reach me at: https://salazar.house.gov/
Washington, D.C.
2162 Rayburn House Office Building
Washington, DC 20515
Phone: (202) 225-3931
Miami, FL
5725 SW 8th St
Suite 200, Miami, FL 33144
Phone: (305) 668-2285