This should not be a political issue.
Future Forum PAC


Our national security relies on giving Ukraine the resources they need to win the war against Russia. They can’t win this war without our support.

That’s why it’s so insane that MAGA Republicans are holding Ukraine funding hostage for selfish political reasons. Their extremism is making America less safe.

Will you add your name to our petition and tell Congress to give Ukraine the funding they need to end the war against Russia?


Friends, this should not be such a political issue. Keeping America safe is not a Republican or a Democrat issue and funding Ukraine’s defense is the best investment we can make in our own national security right now.

Democrats won’t stop fighting to get President Zelensky and the Ukrainian people the resources they need to defend themselves against Russia. But we need your help to show Congress this is not a divisive issue here in America!

Add your name to tell Congress to support more funding for Ukraine.

- Future Forum PAC

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