From Hillary Scholten <[email protected]>
Subject an honor and privilege
Date October 8, 2023 9:19 PM
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As we approach a closely contested 2024 election for this seat, I am reflecting on the last couple of years and what a journey it has been. There have been many challenges. After all, getting elected in a closely divided district like MI-03 is no cakewalk. However, what comes to mind is what an incredible privilege and joy my time running for and serving in Congress has been.

I have had the opportunity to connect with countless individuals across West Michigan. I have heard stories from every walk of life about their struggles and hardships, the things that keep them up at night. Those stories motivate me and energize me to continue my advocacy for the people of West Michigan.

Not only that, but I have seen firsthand the devastating rise of extremism in our backyard. My heart breaks to think of the many individuals working to dismantle the greatest American treasure, our tradition of Democracy. It is an honor to protect this tradition, and it is one of my life’s greatest passions as a firm believer in the sanctity of our constitution and Democratic system.

I am aware that what we know as politics is not all that optimistic. There’s a lot of division, chaos, and hate. But I am writing today to tell you I am full of hope and joy because those forces won’t win. From my time campaigning and serving, I have seen firsthand how a handful of engaged and passionate individuals can make this country more inclusive and just. I promise to do my part to move us in the right direction. It is both my honor and privilege.

My work is only possible through the incredible support of my grassroots supporters like you. I hope you will consider contributing any amount today so I can continue my work advocating for Democracy, West Michiganders, and progress.

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I am humbled and grateful,


Paid for by Scholten for Congress
Hillary Scholten for Congress
PO Box 6233
Grand Rapids, MI 49510
United States

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