Calvert for Congress
Friend –

California's Super Tuesday Primary Election is tomorrow.

Based upon early absentee returns, we're expecting to see record Democrat turn out in tomorrow's Super Tuesday Primary. The Democrats and their ultra-liberal megadonors have funneled millions into their ballot harvesting scheme across the state.

And now we're hearing reports it could take up to a month for the final results to be known! It's beyond clear at this point, the Dems want to manipulate election laws to steal every Republican seat in the state – INCLUDING MINE.

That's why I need your help before tomorrow's vote, we need to make sure we have organizers on the ground and a legal team in place to fight back any attempt the Democrats will make to steal this seat during the ballot counting process.

If we fail to match the Democrat turn out in our primary race, the Democrats are going to spend millions more to take me out in the November General Election.

We can't let that happen. We need your immediate contribution of $10, $15, $25 or even more before tomorrow to stop the Democrats from stealing this seat.

Support from Grassroots conservatives like you will keep this seat in Republican hands and allow me to keep fighting President Trump's Keep America Great vision!

Thank you,

Congressman Ken Calvert

Paid for and authorized by
Ken Calvert for Congress

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