Dear Texans,

It has been an unprecedented week in our nation's Capitol. As your Representative, I am focused on confronting the problems the Biden Administration has presented to us: a crisis at our border, record-high inflation, and out-of-control spending by radical Democrats. We must come together by putting our country first and doing what's right for the American people.

The Biden Border Crisis

Earlier this week, President Biden’s Administration announced that they would build 20 miles of border wall in South Texas with the remaining funds designated for this purpose in 2019. Let me be clear, this is not a change in policy or sentiment by the Biden Administration, it remains clear this President does not take the border crisis seriously. When asked, Biden admitted he could not stop this construction, because he is required by law to use the funds by September 30th, 2023 and stated that he still does not believe a wall will make a difference.

Failed policies at our southern border have emboldened human traffickers, gang members, and terrorists to cross into our country, many evading detection or if caught, released only to disappear without a trace. More than 7.2 million illegal immigrants have crossed the border since Biden took office, bringing with them enough fentanyl to kill over 5 billion people, making it the new leading cause of death for Americans ages 18 to 45 and devastating communities in my district, Texas, and across the country. In Congress, I am fighting each day to secure our nation. I have introduced legislation to restore President Trump’s “Remain in Mexico” policy, and was a leader in the House passage of the Secure the Border Act which would restart construction of the border wall, increase hiring of border patrol agents, protect children from human trafficking, and end deadly catch and release. We must secure our nation at all costs.


Biden's Unconstitutional Student Loan Forgiveness

On June 30, 2023, the Supreme Court of the United States threw out Biden's unconstitutional student loan repayment program, but the President believes he is above the law and refuses to take no for an answer. The very same day his scheme was ruled unconstitutional, the Administration announced three new student loan plans, estimated to cost American taxpayers $475 billion over the next decade. To top it off, this month Biden announced an additional $9 billion in student debt forgiveness. Everyone knows that it is absurd to require the 210 million Americans who made sound financial decisions to pay for those who are unwilling to pay off debt they racked up. In Joe Biden’s economy, Americans are struggling to put food on the table, let alone pay off someone else’s debt. I am working each day to bring fairness and affordability back to Main Street.

In God we trust,

Roger Williams

Member of Congress

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