Hello John,

Empty words of condemnation are not enough.

Late Friday night, Iran-backed Palestinian terrorists launched an invasion of our ally, Israel, committing ghastly war crimes against civilians. They are celebrating their slaughter in the streets of Gaza and the West Bank. These terrorists may have come from Gaza but they were supported by Iran and funded by Western governments as well, including the Biden administration.

We must fully support Israel's right to defend itself and stand strong as they fight on the front lines of terrorism. We also must act quickly to reverse the damage of Biden’s $6 billion funding to the Iranian regime backing the terrorist groups involved.

It took my opponent, Ilhan Omar, 18 hours to release a weak statement about the terrorist war launched against Israel with her usual moral ambiguity, claiming that “such senseless violence will only repeat the back and forth cycle we've seen, which we cannot allow to continue.” Recall that on September 11, 2001, Americans did not sue for peace or call for deescalation. Ilhan's call for immediate deescalation and a ceasefire should be seen for the terrorist appeasement that it is.


As if bothered by the need to pay lip-service to the hundreds of Israelis butchered, the thousands injured, and dozens taken hostage, hours later she issued another statement. Given the typos, it was an unedited and unproofed message reflecting what is in her heart:

“Reminder, Gaza doesn’t have shelters or an iron dome and to [sic] please pray for them… Palestinians are human beings who have been in [sic] besieged and are deserving of protection from the international community.”

--Ilhan Omar, October 7, 2023

Ilhan Omar’s record is unambiguous as is her reference to Israel’s Iron Dome–a purely defensive missile defense system. During the May 2021 Hamas-Israel conflict, she tweeted that Israel should give Palestinians in Gaza an Iron Dome. 

She was one of only nine House members to vote against the supplemental appropriations bill to fund the Iron Dome system. The bill was necessary to replenish the missile interceptors used to protect Israeli civilians from the thousands of rockets Hamas and Palestinian Islamic Jihad launched at Israel from Gaza. 

Omar’s vote wasn’t merely anti-Israel, it was pro-Hamas. Omar has been providing cover for terrorists since before she became a U.S. Congresswoman. In a 2013 interview she gave to an Arab-American television host, she blamed American and Israeli actions for generating a response that included the targeting of civilians in terroristic attacks. That’s normally called victim-blaming.

As a state senator in 2017, she cast one of two votes (127-2) in the Minnesota Senate against a bill to limit life insurance payments to terrorists killed while attacking others.

Ilhan is a pernicious embarrassment to the state of Minnesota, all Americans, and to the Arab states that are eager to move beyond the failed Palestinian leadership who have hijacked their foreign policies. 

As an Iraqi who fled Saddam Hussein’s brutality and came to America to embrace freedom and fight against tyranny, it sickens me to witness the moral equivalency Ilhan finds between terrorist barbarians and the people of Israel.

When America refuses to do the right thing, to lead by using its power to deter its adversaries, it provokes our enemies to act against our allies and interests. The consequences are often devastating.

In the days ahead, there will be a paradigm shift in the Middle East. This is a time for choosing, not fence-sitting. I unequivocally stand with Israel. I ask you to stand with me.


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