

Prayer gets results.

We know of 23,657 babies saved, 251 abortion workers who left their jobs, and 145 abortion facilities closed in response to YOUR prayers!

But how do you measure the impact of a heart healed after an abortion?

40 Days for Life director of outreach and former Planned Parenthood manager Ramona Trevino recently visited and spoke at a campaign event in Cincinnati, where she met a woman who shared her abortion experience.

"She exchanged pleasantries before suddenly telling a vigil participant named Mary about an abortion she had 30 years ago," Ramona reported. "She said it was the first time she ever said it out loud to a stranger."


As Mary spoke of God's mercy, tears streamed down the face of the post-abortive woman, who vowed to share pro-life and post-abortion healing pamphlets with her neighbors in case any of them need help.

"We just never know how we're helping people out here," Mary said.

Help somebody in your community by signing up to pray at:


Toledo, Ohio

Ramona joined dozens of pro-lifers in the rain for a campaign event in Toledo.

"There were maybe a dozen protesters who are present at all the rallies," Ramona reported. "It was the typical screeching, yelling, the playing of explicit music, and heckling."

But the abortion supporters settled down when Ramona took the microphone. "I wondered whether they were hesitant to heckle a brown woman out of fear they were violating their wokeness," she said.

Ramona met a woman who had suffered two abortions--and is now motivated to participate in 40 Days for Life to spare others the pain and regret she experienced.

Toledo campaign participants noted more young people than they're used to seeing at the event--including one who held an umbrella for a mom and baby. "He is a great example of what a man should be--a protector," Ramona reflected.


Indianapolis, Indiana

Is praying in front of a closed abortion facility on a Sunday morning worth the trouble?

It was for Anita! When a truck driver approached the vigil, she assumed he was there to make a delivery to Planned Parenthood...

...but he actually stopped to rejoice that 40 Days for Life volunteers were praying for an end to abortion.

"He was so happy to see our prayer signs," Anita said. "He was so warm and filled with joy."

Anita said her prayer shift can be lonely, as interactions with Planned Parenthood clients are rare.

"Today we made an impact on a few passersby."


Then the devil took him up to a very high mountain, and showed him all the kingdoms of the world in their magnificence, and he said to him, "All these I shall give to you, if you will prostrate yourself and worship me.”

--Matthew 4:8-9

Lord, help each of us overcome the temptation of discouragement. Give us the perseverance to follow your will and remember that you hear our prayers even when we don’t see the results. If it is your will, use us to save more lives than we will know in this lifetime. Amen.

For life,


Shawn Carney
President/CEO, 40 Days for Life

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40 Days for Life 4112 E 29th St. Bryan, Texas 77802 United States (888) LIFE-316