Toledo, Ohio
Ramona joined dozens of pro-lifers in the rain for a campaign event in Toledo.
"There were maybe a dozen protesters who are present at all the rallies," Ramona reported. "It was the typical screeching, yelling, the playing of explicit music, and heckling."
But the abortion supporters settled down when Ramona took the microphone. "I wondered whether they were hesitant to heckle a brown woman out of fear they were violating their wokeness," she said.
Ramona met a woman who had suffered two abortions--and is now motivated to participate in 40 Days for Life to spare others the pain and regret she experienced.
Toledo campaign participants noted more young people than they're used to seeing at the event--including one who held an umbrella for a mom and baby. "He is a great example of what a man should be--a protector," Ramona reflected.