Hanson's take on the savages attacking Israel.
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Breaking news stories the media complex won't cover. Share widely.

For more information on any post below, click through to read the full article on our website.

VDH: A 50th Anniversary War?
Victor David Hanson on today's savage war on Israel (X)

Why did Hamas stage a long-planned, carefully executed and multifaceted attack on Israeli towns, soldiers, and civilians—one designed to instill terror by executing noncombatants, taking ...

BREAKING: Israeli Muslims Riot in Northern Israel, Attack Israeli Civilians, Infrastructure, Set Fires
Riots are being reported in Northern Israel as local Israeli Arabs start to attack infrastructure with unconfirmed reports that they are attacking Israeli civilians and setting fires. Areas with mixed populations are becoming increasingly tense. ...

Biden-Equipped Taliban Ask Iran for Passage to Israel to Join The Jihad War Against Israel
So not only is Biden's billions to Iran funding this genocidal war, but Biden's unimaginable militarila left to the Taliban. Billions of dollars in operational US military equipment left behind by the Biden mis-administration’s disastrous ...

Israel: Muslim Savages Roam Israeli Streets Slaughtering Any Elderly, Children, Women, and Men They See
Muslim terrorists targeted and slaughtered elderly Jews at bus stops.

Here’s why we own assault rifles https://t.co/0d4ZWZ9iD1

— Kurt Schlichter (@KurtSchlichter) October 7, 2023

Horrific videos of what's going on. Hamas is ...

Iran-Backed Hezb’Allah (Party of Allah) Attacks Israel in the North
Biden gave Iran billions for war. Hezbollah jihadis move in on Israeli border in the north. This is all out war. Day of unimaginable horrors.

Biden-Funded Iran Parliament Chanting ...

This is a multi pronged, coordinated attacks on Israel. This is all out of war. There is only one response: disproportionate force.

Tel Aviv under attack now.#Israel #IStandWithIsrael pic.twitter.com/iRCheVVzN2

— Geert Wilders ...

Biden-Funded Iran Parliament Chanting “Death to Israel”
NOW: Iran’s parliament is chanting “Death to Israel! Death to America!” as their terror cells massacre Israeli women and children

Just so there is no confusion about the $6 billion that Biden just unfroze for Iran. Our government is now ...

“ALLAHU AKBAR”! Jihad Biden Tells Israel Not to Respond to All Out War on Its Citizens
Biden is a Nazi.

This is a war.Multiple coordinated attacks across Israel in house to house mass slaughter. https://gellerreport.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/10/Jihad-Jewish-girl.mp4

Related: BLOODY HORROR: Iran Backed Islamic Terrorists ...

Iran-Backed Hamas’ Bloody Against Israel is the Handiwork of Joe Biden
The jihad terror group Hamas is dedicated to the complete destruction of Israel, and so has launched many attacks against the world’s sole Jewish state, but none have been so large-scale and bloodthirsty as the one that began Saturday. The nation ...

Notorious American Teacher’s Union Boss Randi Weingarten Joins Viciously Anti-Semitic J Street Board
What the hell is the head of the head of the teacher's unions of our failing school doing on the board of a viciously antisemitic political organization?

Randi Weingarten Joins J Street Board

By:Adam Kredo, Washington Free Beacon, October ...

BLOODY HORROR: Iran Backed Islamic Terrorists Declare War On Israel, Fire Thousands of Rockets Into Israel, Entire Families Slaughtered, Hundreds of Civilians Have been Attacked, Killed, Jihadis Infiltrate Towns
Israel's 9/11.

Earlier this morning armed Hamas terrorists infiltrated Israeli communities and started going house to house and murdering innocent Israelis.

Some of the images are so disturbing we cannot even share them.

‘We are being ...

The Depth of the Iranian Regime’s Hatred For Israel
So deep is the hatred of the Iranian regime for Israel that it will not let any of its athletes compete against Israeli athletes, insisting that they instead refuse to play, even though that causes their automatic disqualification from the ...

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