Please review your Super Tuesday supporter status today

Environmental Victory Drive Update

Campaign Progress to Goal: $44,000 short
Matching Gift Offer: ACTIVE until midnight tomorrow
Email Address: [email protected]
Member ID: 6503928
Super Tuesday Supporter Status: PENDING


Dear NRDC Action Fund Activist,

Super Tuesday is just one day away! When the clock strikes midnight tomorrow, our $1-for-$1 matching gift will expire — and so will your chance to maximize your impact in the fight to defeat President Trump, elect climate champions up and down the ballot in this year's critical elections, and continue lobbying hard for climate action and pro-environment policies in Congress.

We're still $44,000 shy of our $100,000 matching gift goal. If we're going to win big for the environment in the key states below, we can't afford to fall short. Can you pitch in?

Please take a moment to review our target list below, then make your gift to the NRDC Action Fund's Environmental Victory Drive gift before tomorrow's deadline. Remember, all gifts will be matched, $1-for-$1, up to $100,000.

Super Tuesday Target States


We need to activate voters now to give ourselves the best shot to unseat anti-environment Trump ally Senator Cory Gardner in the fall.

Donate Now >>

North Carolina

This perennial swing state voted for President Obama in 2008 and has seen two close losses since then. We're going to do everything we can to ensure a pro-climate candidate wins in November.

Match My Gift >>


NRDC Action Fund supporters like you just ran a huge and successful GOTV campaign to elect a pro-environment majority in the state legislature. Now we need to build on that momentum for the general election.

Double My Impact >>

When you support the Environmental Victory Drive, your gift will go straight to hiring organizers on the ground, running laser-focused ad campaigns in key districts, and getting pro-environment voters to the polls when and where it matters most.

Don't miss this opportunity to make a huge impact on these vitally important elections and to continue powering our work to support strong climate and pro-environment policies in Congress: make your matched donation right now, before this opportunity is gone for good.

The NRDC Action Fund Team

Become an NRDC Action Fund member with a minimum donation of $10 per year. Donations to the NRDC Action Fund are used to mobilize citizens and lobby Congress on behalf of our environment and are not tax deductible as a charitable contribution or as a business expense. Prefer to make a tax-deductible gift? Donate to NRDC.

Please add [email protected] to your address book to ensure our emails reach your inbox.

We appreciate the opportunity to communicate with you and other NRDC Action Fund Activists. We are committed to protecting your privacy and will never sell, exchange or rent your email address.

To update your contact information or manage your subscriptions, go to your profile editor. If you would prefer not to receive these action alerts and updates, you can click here to remove yourself from this list.

The NRDC Action Fund is the 501(c)(4) affiliate of the Natural Resources Defense Council (NRDC).