Dear Friend,
There are now just 200 days until the general
election Jacinda Ardern has called for 19 September.
And things could not be closer. According to the polls, just one
or two percent is the difference between a change of government, and a
Labour-Green coalition that would cost you and your family.
Friend, in the next few days the Taxpayers' Union will be
finalising our pre-election campaign strategy. But we need to know
what resources we have available. We need every dollar to take on
Labour, the Greens, and New Zealand First who won't hesitate spending
your money to get back into Government.
Despite a record
high tax-take, Labour has already turned projected surpluses into a
deficit. And that’s before the election campaign spend-up has even
to make sure there is a loud voice for taxpayers this election
The National Party may not be much better. Unless we pressure
National to commit to cutting wasteful government programmes, such as
the ‘fees free’ policy which has seen fewer students head to
university, don’t expect there to be much left for meaningful tax
In politics, the squeaky wheel gets the oil. That’s why the
Taxpayers’ Union was founded 6 years ago — to stand up for taxpayers
like you and be as loud a voice as possible.
But only with your
support can we highlight wasteful spending, expose pork barrel bribes,
and hold politicians to account for wasteful spending
Your donation will allow us to employ a new economist to analyse
election policy costings and expose poor-quality spending before the
taxpayer-funded cheques are written. Projects like our popular policy
costing “Bribe-O-Meter” are 100% percent dependant on your
Can I count on you
for $1 a day until the election?
To ensure the voice of taxpayers cannot be ignored, click
here to make a one-off donation of $200.
Or split it into a monthly amount, by clicking
here to set up a monthly contribution of $28.57.
Thank you for your support.
Houlbrooke Campaigns Manager New Zealand Taxpayers'