Lauren Boebert beat Adam Frisch in 2022 by just 0.17% – a difference of only 546 votes and the closest race in the entire country.


Lauren Boebert beat Adam Frisch in 2022 by just 0.17% – a difference of only 546 votes and the closest race in the entire country.

Now, Adam is running again to finish the job and defeat Lauren Boebert in 2024 – but he needs your urgent help if he’s going to win.

The latest polls all show another extremely close race, and after everyone was very wrong last time by calling the seat “Safe Republican,” the political pundits now say the 2024 race to defeat Boebert is a true “Toss-Up.”

But Lauren Boebert’s Super PACs are already attacking Adam and raising millions more to run TV ads across the entire state and drown us out in lies. Adam’s not taking money from corporate PACs, so if we’re going to fight back and send Boebert packing, we need grassroots donors like you to give right now.

We need to raise another $30,000 before midnight tonight – but our fundraising has started to slow down, and we’re still $9,907 short of what we need to defeat Lauren Boebert.

Please, will you chip in $5 or more right now – whatever you can afford before midnight tonight – to help Adam Frisch close the gap in 2024 and finally kick Lauren Boebert out of Congress? Time is running out before our deadline, so no amount you can afford to give is too small.

If you've saved payment information with ActBlue Express, your donation will go through immediately:

Adam Frisch can finish the job and defeat Lauren Boebert in 2024 – but only with your help now.

Thank you for everything you do,

Team Frisch