JOIN A PROTEST NEAR YOU: We stand with Palestine!
People all around the world are mobilizing to stand with the
Palestinian people's struggle! The ANSWER coalition and other
organizations are initiating or supporting demonstrations in the
following cities:
New York City, NY Sunday, October 8 1:00
p.m. Times Square (Broadway and 42nd) Sponsored by: Palestinian
Youth Movement, Party for Socialism and Liberation, New York for
Palestine, The People's Forum, American Muslims for Palestine, ANSWER
Coalition, Al-Awda New York, Palestinian Assembly for Liberation
Washington, D.C. Sunday, October 8 1:00
p.m. Lafayette Square Sponsored by: Palestinian Youth Movement,
Maryland2Palestine, ANSWER Coalition, Party for Socialism and
San Francisco, California Sunday, October
8 4:00 p.m. Israeli Consulate Endorsed by: ANSWER Coalition,
SJP @ UC Davis, JVP Bay Area, Bears for Palestine @ UCB, SJP @
Sacramento State, QUIT!, PSL Bay Area, Al-Awda Bay Area, USPCN
Denver, CO Saturday, October 7 5:00
p.m. West Steps of Colorado State Capital on Lincoln Sponsored
by: Colorado Palestine Coalition, Denver PSL, Denver Palestine Chapter
DSA, Colorado Mayday Club
Philadelphia, PA Sunday, October 8 12:00
p.m. Rittenhouse Square Park Sponsored by: Philly Palestine
San Diego, CA Sunday, October 8 1:00
p.m. Balboa Park - Bea Evenson Fountain
Portland, OR Sunday, October 8 2:00
p.m. Location TBD
Ormond Beach, FL Monday, October 9 4:00
p.m. SE corner of Granada & Beach Sponsored by: Daytona
Workers' League
Tacoma, WA Sunday, October 8 1:00
p.m. Tollefson Plaza
