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Dear Friends,
It was with immense emotion that we learned that the Nobel Peace Prize had been awarded to the Iranian journalist and human rights activist Narges Mohammadi. At Reporters Without Borders (RSF), we have been fighting for years, alongside her husband and children, to obtain her release.
Awarded the RSF Prize for Courage in 2022, this journalist has spent only a few months out of prison since 2015. Despite being deprived of her children, jailed and tortured by the Iranian government, she has never abandoned her determined fight for press freedom and human rights in her country.
Every time she was convicted and jailed, we took action to help and support her family. Last June, we referred her case to the United Nations bodies responsible for protecting human rights. After the Nobel Peace Prize announcement, we organised a press conference with her family and lawyer.
It’s thanks to the courage of journalists like Narges Mohammadi that the world knows what is happening inside the Islamic Republic of Iran’s prisons, where 20 journalists are currently held, including three other women: Elaheh Mohammadi, Niloofar Hamedi and Vida Rabbani.
Thank you, Narges, and bravo! As you said in a letter written in Evin prison that your children read out at the RSF Awards last December: “Let’s hope for victory.”
We will continue to fight tirelessly to obtain your release and the release of all the other journalists detained in Iran.
And thank you to all our donors and supporters whose generosity allows us to continue to wage this fight.


Christophe Deloire, Secretary-General
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