Hey John,

In a moment, I’m going to ask you to split a small donation between Seth Moulton and our campaign ahead of our midnight deadline. But first, I wanted to explain why your gift is so important — especially right now.

From the moment I jumped into the race, Republicans piled on.

It actually started the night right before I announced my campaign. In one of Kevin McCarthy’s first acts as Speaker, he unilaterally removed me from serving on the House Intelligence Committee.

Then it was Matt Gaetz. He introduced legislation trying to bar me from accessing classified information.

Then came Tucker Carlson. He recently launched into a desperate rant about me on his primetime Fox News show.

Then Donald Trump piled on too. He couldn’t resist. He dedicated part of his CPAC speech to hurl insult after insult against me.

And I’m going to be honest, I don’t even send you the really crazy stuff.

It’s just the beginning. After every one of their attacks, I then receive thousands more like it online from their MAGA loyalists trying to sabotage our work to defend democracy.

Republicans see me as their boogeyman this election. Why? Because I’ve stood up to these bullies and called out their lies.

It’s clear they don’t want me in the Senate. They don’t want oversight. They don’t want me to hold them accountable. They don’t want an outspoken defender of democracy on the Senate floor.

Bad news for Republicans: I’ve never been one to give up a fight — especially when it gets tough. I’m not going to let Donald Trump or any one of his lackeys tear our campaign down.

John, I need to know you have my back the entire way. Will you pitch in a donation of $3 or more to Seth Moulton and our campaign before our midnight deadline? The attacks are only going to get nastier from here, so we need to prepare for everything they’re going to launch our way:


Thank you for your support,

— Adam

