Local and statewide elections are underway across the country! 

Local and statewide elections are underway across the country! 

And these races make a big difference in people’s daily lives. Voters have the opportunity to elect and re-elect candidates who will move our communities forward — on issues ranging from access to healthcare, to tackling the climate crisis, to funding for our public schools, to ensuring equal access to the ballot box.

So to that end, Fair Fight is proud to announce two new endorsements of voting rights champions in Louisiana and South Carolina. We’re equipping them with resources to fundraise, organize, and advocate to protect the freedom to vote for years to come.

Meet our new endorsed candidates, and chip in to fuel this work: Rep. Mandie Landry, Louisiana State House District 91 - As a lawyer and legislator, she has fiercely defended reproductive rights, helped expand maternal health care throughout the state, and secured funding for her district for flood protection, juvenile justice, and education. Rep. Kambrell Garvin, South Carolina State Senate District 19 - As a former public school teacher, lawyer, and small business owner, he’s deeply rooted in his community, and has used his platform in office to advocate for racial justice and expanding healthcare.

We're working to ensure that these candidates stay in office and continue to make progress for their communities — and we rely on grassroots support to make it all possible. Will you make a donation today to help support and elect even more pro-voter candidates across the country?

Thank you! 

The Fair Fight Team