Biden Administration Enabling Iranian Mullahs' Dangerous Nuclear Weapons Program – Again?
by Majid Rafizadeh • October 7, 2023 at 5:00 am
Iran's ruling mullahs have been rapidly and defiantly advancing their nuclear weapons program to levels never before seen. Apparently, after a short nap, a make-believe, monumentally unenforceable, nuclear deal with Iran is back in play.
"The JCPOA is not off the table...." — Iranian Foreign Minister Amir-Abdollahian,, September 3, 2023.
"Various media sources have reported that Tehran and Washington are discussing an unofficial deal, whereby Iran would limit its uranium enrichment and Washington would agree to the release of all funds frozen in several countries totalling around $20 billion." —, September 3, 2023
The regime is now finally at the threshold of making all the nuclear weapons it desires, along with missiles to launch them at their enemies in the Middle East, Europe and America.
The Iranian authorities continue to claim that their nuclear program is designed for peaceful purposes only. If that were true, why is the regime continuing to enrich uranium and refusing to cooperate with the IAEA?
The Biden administration has totally failed to curb Iran's nuclear program – but then again evidence shows it had never intended to. The "sunset clause" in then President Barack Obama's 2015 JCPOA "nuclear deal" assured Iran's rulers that in a few years, they could legitimately have as many nuclear weapons as they desired. Obama's assurance that his deal "prevented Iran from having nuclear weapons" is at the same level of trustworthiness as his, "If you like your doctor you can keep your doctor," or President Joe Biden's, "nobody earning less than $400,000 a year will pay an additional penny in new taxes."
Biden's legacy -- along with surrendering to the Taliban in Afghanistan and possibly "sell[ing] out" America to the Chinese Communist Party at home -- might well be turn out to be paying off Iran, called by the US State Department the world's "top state sponsor of terrorism," with billions of dollars, to help it become nuclear-armed state, so long as the mullahs promise -- Scouts' honor! -- not to use their nuclear weapons on his watch.

One of the Biden administration campaign's promises was to curb Iran's nuclear program. In the two and a half years since the Biden administration assumed office, however, Iran's ruling mullahs have been rapidly and defiantly advancing their nuclear weapons program to levels never before seen. Apparently, after a short nap, a make-believe, monumentally unenforceable, nuclear deal with Iran is back in play. According to the website Iran International:
"Amir-Abdollahian told Ettelaat that presently 'The Sultan of Oman has put forth an initiative and we held indirect talks with the Americans...Now we have two documents on the table; one is about the release of Iran's [frozen] funds,' but he did not elaborate on the second document. He went on to say that the JCPOA is not off the table, although it was perhaps 'not a great agreement.'