My name is Beka. I am 21 years old. I live on Sawré Muybu Indigenous territory in the Amazon forest, Brazil and I am going to the United States to ask the Cargill-MacMillan family to stop the destruction of our land.
My people, the Munduruku, have lived in the heart of the Amazon for over 4,000 years. We have been fighting against the huge company Cargill for a long time. The worst example of Cargill’s unceasing expansion is the Ferrogrão, a 1,000-kilometer railway that will cut through our lands in order for Cargill to transport soy.
Join this fight to stop Cargill from destroying the Amazon and our future
The Ferrogrão will transport soy which is produced from the destruction of the Cerrado - a critical ecosystem south of the Amazon. In most regions where Cargill operates, it destroys the environment and drives out or threatens the communities who live there.
Despite its many “commitments” to end deforestation, the destruction increases. Last year alone an area of tropical forest the size of Switzerland was destroyed. And while the company publicly promises to end these practices, it only expands further into our lands.
This is why we are turning to the Cargill-MacMillans – the owners of Cargill – to step in and make sure the company eliminates the destruction of nature and human rights abuses from its entire supply chain.
Our relatives in the Cerrado are the target of constant threats from ranchers and land-grabbers. In addition to this, they are suffering from pesticides from the crops and the contamination of their rivers and streams.
Cargill must cease the destruction of our forests. It must stop expanding into our territory. It must stop selling commodities from lands stolen from Indigenous peoples.
We are fighting for our lives. For our land. For our cultures. For our children and grandchildren.
Already over 170,000 Ekō members said NO to Ferrogrão.
Add your name to ask Cargill to leave the Amazon for good
Cargill needs to see it’s not just the Munduruku people asking them to leave, but thousands all over the world. That’s why your support is invaluable. Let’s make Cargill put people and planet above anything else.