From Dave Rapids, Country First <[email protected]>
Subject Grassroots Update
Date October 7, 2023 4:00 AM
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John --
Our world is full of distractions, noise, division, and extremism. This week's chaos in the House of Representatives was sure a testament to that. But in the midst of it all, there are so many examples of reasonable people of goodwill coming together to make a difference. And Country First is breaking through with hope.
For example, we successfully launched a petition calling on reasonable Republicans and Democrats in the House of Representatives to come together to form a bipartisan governing coalition that represents the REAL majority of Americans who just want Congress to work together to find common ground and durable solutions. Tens of thousands of people have already shown their support, including some key Republicans and Democrats in Congress!
>> Add your name to the petition -- then SHARE it with everyone you know. [[link removed]]
Here at Country First, we aren’t just a cause or a movement - we’re a home . A place where you can find refuge from the chaos, empowerment to make a difference, and a family that will be with you every step of the way.
But don’t take my word for it.
We are a home for people like Peter, who says he joined Country First because “I felt helpless and I didn't want to feel helpless anymore.” We are a home for people like Austin, who says “Country First has been what keeps me optimistic about our future as a country -- that I’m not alone.”
I’d love to hear from you, too! Reply to this email and let me know, what about Country First makes you feel at home?
I’m excited to call Country First my home, and to be part of an amazing community of grassroots volunteers. Let’s keep building a more perfect union, together . I’ve included some ways you can join us in doing just that below - I hope you check out one (or two) this month!
All things Country First,
Dave Rapids
National Grassroots Director
Support Our Critical Mission [[link removed]]
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See something of interest? All are welcome! Click on the event to register.
10/16: Communications Volunteer Working Group [[link removed]]
10/17: Electoral Reform Volunteer Working Group [[link removed]] [[link removed]]
10/24: Political Research Volunteer Working Group [[link removed]] [[link removed]]
10/25: Country First Book Club [[link removed]] [[link removed]]
10/30: HQ Open Forum [[link removed]]
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Each week, Country First highlights a key volunteer who has demonstrated placing Country over Party. If you would like to submit someone who has made a positive impact on your experience with Country First, please email [email protected] [[email protected]] .
Where are you from and how long have you been a volunteer for Country First?
I live in Ashburn, Virginia. I’m originally from the Chicago suburbs, not too far from Congressman Kinzinger’s former district. I’ve been a volunteer at Country First for a little over two years.
What has been your focus at Country First?
I prefer working “behind the scenes” -- creating ways to bring more attention to Country First and spreading the word to those who may never have heard of the movement. I often reach out in very non-political ways, providing links to the Country First website in places that people may not necessarily expect. I also enjoy performing detailed research, which is why I’ve been motivated to work on one of the Battleground Election Trackers, since the upcoming 2024 elections are so important. I was impressed with the difference that Country First made in the previous election with the endorsement of several candidates, regardless of political affiliation. During that election cycle, I was fortunate to have a few Letters to the Editor published which supported local candidates who embraced the ideals of Country First.
What was your motivation for joining Country First and how did you hear about us?
Without a doubt, Adam’s “Land Of Opportunity” video [[link removed]] is what sparked my interest in Country First. I believe I saw him interviewed on one of the cable news channels and he had referred to Country First. I could see the divide in our country getting worse and worse -- and the things he spoke about make sense to me, so I had to find out more. I often joke that politics had always been at the very bottom of my list of my interests. That all changed. I often find myself re-watching this video for continued inspiration.
What are your hopes for America in the coming years and generations?
My main hope is that people who hold differing opinions will be able to talk to each other without anger, distrust, violence, etc., and not look at each other as enemies. That is a key foundation in helping this country move forward, and be in a better place not only for us, but for our future generations as well.
Do you think we can right the ship?
Yes, I completely believe that is possible. It can get a little frustrating in this day-and-age of “instant gratification” – because we all want a change right now. However, if we are persistent, and not let any obstacles discourage us, I know in time we will be in a better place. There are always ways around those obstacles. I know this is somewhat of an idealistic answer, but I am basing it on what I have learned from interviews and teachings of very knowledgeable political historians. This country has emerged from some incredibly dark days. We will again. We must never give up.
Thank you, Randy, for all of your hard work and dedication to promoting and preserving democracy!
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AEI [[link removed]] : Conservatives Should Look More Closely at Systemic Election Reforms | Op-ed
A public dissatisfaction with the federal government, and Congress in particular, has prompted a flurry of efforts to reform how elections are conducted. Among the proposed changes are systemic election reforms such as preferential voting (e.g., ranked-choice voting), open primaries, jungle and runoff elections, proportional representation, and nonpartisan redistricting. Supporters make different arguments for each of these electoral reforms. On the whole, however, they think their preferred reform will improve governance by improving candidates’ and officials’ incentives to govern in line with most voters’ wishes more often. Read this op-ed from Kevin R. Kosar to learn more.
Commercial Appeal [[link removed]] : Could Ranked Choice Voting Prevent 'Nightmare Scenario' in Memphis Mayoral Election?
The 17-candidate Memphis mayor's race will almost certainly be won by a candidate earning less than 30% of the vote. Voters are worried that a vote split among candidates will lead to their least-preferred candidate eking out a win. Some worry about former Mayor Willie Herenton returning to office. Some Democratic voters worried about Republican-backed candidates winning in this majority-Democratic city (although the race is nonpartisan). Everyone had their own nightmare scenario. But the point is, it’s quite possible the winner is a candidate about whom a majority of Memphis voters would say, “Anybody but that guy.”
Ohio Capital Journal [[link removed]] : Ohio Redistricting Commission Adopts Sixth Version of Statehouse Maps with Bipartisan Support
The Ohio Redistricting Commission reached bipartisan agreement as it passed new Statehouse maps late Tuesday night after a few more hours of public comment, and then negotiation behind closed doors. The maps show a Republican-to-Democratic advantage of 61 to 38 in the Ohio House [[link removed]] , with eight Democratic toss-up seats and three GOP toss-ups. In the Ohio Senate [[link removed]] , the maps show a 23 to 10 Republican advantage, with three Republican toss-up seats and one Democratic toss-up seat.
NPR [[link removed]] : An Appeals Court Has Blocked the Redrawing of Louisiana's Congressional Map
A federal appeals court has stopped the redrawing of Louisiana's map of congressional voting districts, further complicating a long-running legal fight over the voting strength of the state's Black voters. The case is among several attempts by Republican state officials in the South to reshape how federal courts interpret protections against racial discrimination under the landmark Voting Rights Act, and its resolution could help determine the balance of power in the next Congress.
Voting Booth [[link removed]] : Inside Mike Lindell’s “plan” to Sound False Cyber-Attack Alarms at Local Polls
Mike Lindell had assembled the most fervent election deniers from every state, mostly Trump cultists, at a conference center in Springfield, Mo., where, with great fanfare, he promised to unveil “ The Plan [[link removed]] ” to prevent elections from being stolen. Ironically, he’s creating a plan that will have the exact opposite effect.
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SIGN [[link removed]] our Petition for the House of Representatives to Form a Bipartisan Governing Coalition!
SHOP [[link removed]] our Limited Edition Signed Copies of Renegade by Adam Kinzinger!
BRING a friend to one of our events!
Join one of our Volunteer Working Groups! As a grassroots coalition, Country First is dedicated to providing each member with the opportunity to contribute to the success of the movement. National Volunteer Working Groups are separated by interest and are aligned with one of Country First’s key pillars.
Election Reform [[link removed]]
Political Research [[link removed]]
Communications [[link removed]]
Mending Divisions [[link removed]]
Get Involved [[link removed]]
Support the Mission [[link removed]]
Wear the Cause [[link removed]]
Country First
PO Box 2385
Ottawa, IL 61350
United States
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