HUGE: A CBS poll yesterday shows Elizabeth Warren and Joe Biden neck and neck in California 24 hours out from Super Tuesday.
In a close race, Get Out The Vote matters! Make calls for Warren into Super Tuesday states or send texts for Warren here.
WE ARE ISSUING AN URGENT WARNING -- given the diverse coalition we need to defeat Trump, every voter must see this video compilation of Joe Biden saying ridiculously out-of-touch things toward Black people, Brown people, Asians, and Jews. Click to watch and donate $3 to help Warren defeat Biden in Super Tuesday states. Then, please forward this email to 3 others.
Share this video on Facebook and on Twitter now.
Share the video on Facebook and on Twitter now.
The Center for Urban and Racial Equity and The Root both recently rated Elizabeth Warren best on racial justice.
Click to watch and donate $3 to help Warren defeat Biden in Super Tuesday states. Then, please forward this email to 3 others.
Thanks for being a bold progressive.
-- The PCCC Elections Team
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