I pride myself on being one of the most bipartisan members of Congress. In fact, I have a track record of working across the aisle to solve the real problems people are facing here in NV-03.
But this week, Washington Republicans threw our country into complete chaos when House Speaker Kevin McCarthy was voted out of office for the first time in U.S. history.
Let me be clear: This is not normal. But ever since Republicans reclaimed the House majority, this is what we’ve come to expect. We can’t let this chaos become our normal.
Democrats must take back the House to solve the real problems our country is facing. So please, will you help Democrats win one of the most critical, battleground House races of 2024 by chipping in $25 right away? This is too important for you to stay on the sidelines
Look, we may not all agree on every issue. And that’s OK. In fact, I’d argue it’s healthy.
But the truth is, Washington Republicans have done nothing but act irresponsibly since taking over the House majority in January.
We have real problems to solve. Like how to lower the cost of living and fight back against inflation, make healthcare more affordable, and provide more funding for public education.
Instead, we’ve been forced to sit and watch as House Republicans use their majority to give power to fringe, far-right extremists and embarrass our nation on a global stage for all to see.
It’s time for change, folks. And that starts by electing common-sense, bipartisan leaders to solve the real problems our country is facing.
So please, will you help counter this ongoing Republican chaos in Washington by chipping in $10, $25 or whatever you can to help us win our battleground race in NV-03?
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Thanks for stepping up.
Susie Lee