From Ruben Gallego for Senate <[email protected]>
Subject So proud of this team
Date October 6, 2023 5:29 PM
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No one, not even the best candidate you could possibly imagine can defeat Kari Lake and Kyrsten Sinema by themselves.

It takes a team.

Kari Lake has a team: Trump, Steve Bannon, Roger Stone, and the entire election-denying MAGA-right that will be with her the moment she announces next week.

Kyrsten Sinema has a team: the big-money donors contributing hand-over-fist to keep her in the Senate blocking things like a minimum wage increase and efforts to lower the cost of prescription drugs.

Ruben has a team too.

You're a part of it. So are hundreds of thousands of people like you who believe Arizona deserves a Senator who will put regular folks ahead of wealthy donors, and a Senator who won't bring election-denying, democracy-subverting chaos to the Senate.

But Ruben can't do it alone. In a few days Kari Lake will launch her campaign. In a few days Kyrsten Sinema will file another FEC report filled with massive donors.

Ruben needs you. It's our only chance. Together. So please:

Can you use this link to contribute to Ruben Gallego's campaign for Senate in Arizona before Kari Lake announces and Kyrsten Sinema files her next FEC report?

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Thank you. Your support means everything. It's Ruben's only chance.

Ruben Gallego for Senate

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