It’s the Size of the Fight in the Dog!

‘Elliot Perry, 12 years old, and Jay share thoughts on determination and overcoming the odds – especially highlighting Elliot’s amazing journey and inspiring achievements – as well as his compassion and generous giving back to others.’

Determination. Desire. An unrelenting will to succeed. These are intangibles – but they make ALL the difference. I think we’ve all seen situations where the most unlikely person or team – is up against what seems like an insurmountable challenge – yet, against all odds – succeeds. And, in virtually every case, it’s all because of a strength of will, that cannot be denied.

For instance, take the case of Tom Brady. How does this second-string quarterback on his high school freshman football team – a team, by the way, that went the whole season without winning a game – How does this young man end up winning 7 Super Bowls? And, in one of those games even rallying his team back from a 28-3 deficit in the second half? Coming out of college, he wasn’t particularly strong or fast. And, even more, if you look at pictures of him as a young recruit – he didn’t even look very athletic. Answer: It wasn’t what was on the outside. It was all about what was on the inside!

Or, how about another example. As a kid in New York City’s Little Italy during the 1940’s and ‘50s, Martin Scorsese grew up in a fast-paced aggressive environment. He was what a doctor called physically meek and diagnosed at a young age with asthma. While many of the kids he grew up around were able to enjoy playgrounds and partake in organized sports, his condition left him sitting at home watching other kids play sports from the window of his family’s Elizabeth Street home. He’d often get bullied by other students at schools for not exhibiting the same machismo that would later be exhibited in many of his films. It was troubling because as a child, his father took him to baseball games where he idolized the likes of Jackie Robinson and Mickey Mantle.

So eventually when his parents recognized sports may not be in his future, they decided they’d take him to the movies. From a young age he fell in love with cinema, experimenting with cameras, making short films inspired by some of his own favorites which would eventually lead him to get accepted to New York University’s film school. Yet when he arrived at NYU, his professors told him his cinematic style was too brash and would never work. However, only three years after he graduated, at the young age of 25, he would direct his first full length film and two years before his 40th birthday, win the first of his three Academy Awards for the film Raging Bull. Over the course of his 50-year career, he’s made more than 40 films and is considered one of the best filmmakers of all time.

What I love about Martin Scorcese’s story is that he didn’t let his initial challenges discourage him from finding a new path in life. He used it as a source of motivation. Perhaps we face setbacks or face new realities that change the trajectory of our lives but oftentimes as the saying goes, it’s not about the size of the dog in the fight, it’s about the fight in the dog! Martin Scorsese used what could have been viewed as disadvantages and used them to his advantage. Sports weren’t in his future, but he rose above the challenge and found a new path, one where he found success. Sometimes we may think that we have to be the best or the biggest at something to be the most successful. The truth is though, lots of the time, our success comes from having the courage, the heart, and the fight to see the things through that we wish to achieve. While asthma and a few professors threw roadblocks in his way early on, Scorsese’s story tells us that a little bit of fight can go a long way.

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Positive Profile of the Week: Michelle Chretien

This week we are delighted to highlight a shining example of unwavering commitment to her community, particularly in the vibrant city of Manchester – Michelle Chretien.

As a dedicated board member of the Elliot Perry Foundation, Michelle actively contributes to the betterment of her community, aligning her efforts with the organization's mission to empower and uplift local residents.

Michelle's passion for the community extends beyond her board involvement. She is the proud owner of Empire Mortgage, where her devotion to helping people achieve their dream of homeownership shines through. Her genuine care for individuals seeking solutions in the housing market has earned her a reputation as the go-to person in Manchester for mortgage guidance.

One of Michelle's most striking qualities is her remarkable ability to connect with people. She is the ultimate people person, effortlessly forming meaningful bonds with those she meets. This innate talent has undoubtedly been a driving force behind her many charitable endeavors.

Michelle's dedication to youth sports and local charities is remarkable. She goes above and beyond, not only supporting young athletes but also ensuring they have nourishing meals after their games. Her commitment to nurturing the next generation is both heartwarming and inspiring.

In addition to her community involvement, Michelle has a unique skill that sets her apart—she produces the only maple syrup in Manchester. Not something you would expect out of the Queen City!

Each year, Michelle hosts the eagerly anticipated Oktoberfest, a grand community gathering that brings people together in a festive atmosphere. This event embodies her spirit of unity and camaraderie, creating lasting memories and fostering a sense of belonging among Manchester's diverse population.

As if her community involvement wasn't enough, Michelle also cherishes her time with her two beloved grandkids. Her dedication to family, coupled with her unwavering commitment to Manchester, makes Michelle Chretien a true pillar of her community, especially as someone who is always fighting to help lift up others in so many different ways.

Quote of the Week

"The difference between a successful person and others is not a lack of strength, not a lack of knowledge, but rather a lack in will."

- Vince Lombardi

Jay Lucas |

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