Fellow American,
This moment is too critical for us to not speak plainly: Our campaign just had an urgent meeting and we’re in a bind.
We came up short of our quarterly goal by $6,421.
At the beginning of 2023, we met with a team of campaign strategists to discuss how to protect the Republican majority in Congress. They advised one of the key benchmarks must be to hit our quarterly fundraising goals. And unfortunately, we just missed our third quarterly target.
Mike asked me to reach out to you as one of his top supporters, to ask if you can help us close the gap before we dive into the final quarter of 2023 and let the Democrats gain even more momentum. Can we count on you in this critical moment to help get back on track?
CHIP IN » Despite their plummeting approval ratings and a failing president, the Democrats’ bank accounts are extensive and growing. Thanks to liberal elite donors, House Democrats outraised us again last quarter.
We can’t let Hakeem Jeffries, Nancy Pelosi and their foot soldiers regain the majority! We need your help if we’re going to protect our conservative principles and help Mike bring common sense politics back to Washington.
Please Fellow American, help us make up for our shortfall in the third quarter and start this month off on the right note.
Thank you, Nicole Licardi Finance Director, Mike Johnson for Louisiana
MIKE JOHNSON Mike is a dedicated husband and father of four, as well as a constitutional law attorney who has devoted his life and career to fighting for the fundamental freedoms and traditional values that have always been a priority to the people of Louisiana. WILL YOU STAND WITH MIKE? |

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