What Happened This Week


CMD in The American Prospect

The American Prospect featured a story by CMD's Arn Pearson and David Armiak about the destructive agenda ALEC has been pushing for the last 50 years. If there’s one story you should read about ALEC’s 50th anniversary this week, this is it.

“ALEC’s agenda extends to almost every area of public policy, as lawmakers take these model bills written by powerful special-interest and far-right groups — including the tobacco, gun, oil, pharmaceutical, and telecom industries — back to their statehouses and introduce them as their own. From lower wages to increased mass shootings, more pollution, fewer consumer protections, and less bodily autonomy, the negative impacts on everyone living in the U.S. have been profound,” Pearson and Armiak write.

“And since ALEC masquerades as a tax-exempt charity, your tax dollars subsidize it all."

You can read the full story here.


ALEC’s #50YearsofHarm

On Wednesday, ALEC held its ritzy 50th Anniversary Gala at Washington DC’s National Portrait Gallery. Progressive groups coordinated a protest drawing attention to ALEC’s #50YearsofHarm and launched a new petition calling on corporations to stop funding ALEC’s extreme agenda.

“Thanks to pressure from people like you, more than 100 major corporations have dumped ALEC – including Google, Coca-Cola, and AT&T – but many more keep funding its harmful operations, even when that conflicts with the pro-environment, pro-civil rights values the corporations claim to support,” the petition says.

You can sign-on to the petition here.


ALEC’s Long History with Big Tobacco

This week, CMD’s Investigative Reporter Juliana Broad discussed Big Tobacco’s deep entanglement with ALEC at a panel hosted by Action on Smoking and Health (ASH). You can watch a recording of the panel discussion on ASH’s YouTube channel and view the presenters’ compiled slides here

ICYMI: CMD’s Research

In case you’ve missed it, here’s what we’ve been working on.


Progressive Groups Protest ALEC’s “50 Years of Harm”

A coalition of progressive groups gathered in front of the National Portrait Gallery on Wednesday to protest ALEC's 50th anniversary celebrations and draw attention to its “#50YearsofHarm.” Read the article here.


Parent Company of Taco Bell & KFC Pivots to Funding Right-Wing Causes

The fast food giant Yum! Brands has reversed its 2012 decision to stop funding ALEC and started paying annual dues to an association of right-wing attorneys general, according to its most recent voluntary financial disclosure. Read the article here.


After 50 Years, This Right-Wing Law Factory Is Crazier Than Ever

With the political media’s attention firmly fixed on Rep. Matt Gaetz’s (R-FL) dethroning of Speaker of the House Kevin McCarthy, a secretive corporate pay-to-play group that quietly shapes state laws across the country is holding its 50th anniversary gala this week at the National Portrait Gallery, just a mile away. Read the article here.


Software Giant Oracle Joins American Legislative Exchange Council

Oracle, the fifth largest tech company in the U.S., has voluntarily disclosed that it has joined ALEC, as noted in its 2022 Political Activity Report. Read the article here.

CMD in the News

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CMD is a 501(c)(3) national watchdog and media group that conducts in-depth investigations into corruption and the undue influence of corporations on media and democracy. Our work is regularly cited by news outlets, policymakers, and grassroots activists working to build a more sustainable future and just society. CMD is reader-supported. Please make your tax-deductible donation today. Thank you!

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