Please join us!

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The Health of Our Service Members Tomorrow
Depends on the Health of Our Children Today

Dear John,

Children’s Health Defense is proud to announce our new Military Chapter. Please opt-in and join us to stay up-to-date with news, events and advocacy efforts that we will be championing.

Our motto, “Guardians of Warriors, Champions of Health,” captures our resolute commitment to extend the mission of Children’s Health Defense to the brave men and women who have served our nation.

All service members and friends of the U.S. Armed Forces are encouraged to join us as we address the issues imposed by the DoD countermeasures and mandates through education, advocacy, and action. Emerging threats, both foreign and domestic, demand a renewed sense of moral courage, resilience and vigilance to safeguard our nation’s values while ensuring better physical, mental, and spiritual health for all.

Please consider joining our chapter and volunteering or donating. Your support and dedication are crucial to our success. Use the button below to subscribe for news updates, launch events and educational campaigns, and follow us on Twitter, Instagram and Rumble.

Very respectfully,

The Children’s Health Defense Team