Formerly detained people advocate in D.C.. Plus key wins for TPS, and people seeking asylum.
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October 6, 2023


Advocates rally to stop deportation of community leader Robert Panton

U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) plans to deport NIJC client Robert Panton within six months despite being a beloved community leader in Harlem, youth mentor, and family man.

Robert already served 30 years in prison because of a single harsh drug conviction, and then spent nearly another year in immigration jail. He has since devoted his life to his community. 

We're coming together with the Harlem community, Robert's family, and members of Congress to stand behind him and stop his deportation so he can stay home where he belongs.

Sign our petition to #KeepRobertHome.

Watch Robert's interview with Fox 5 New York after his check-in with ICE where they put an ankle shackle on him. See more about Robert's story in The Hill


U.S. government settles landmark lawsuit for Afghans seeking asylum

The U.S. government has settled a class action lawsuit filed by NIJC and Kirkland & Ellis LLP on behalf of Afghan people seeking asylum who fled Taliban rule and faced long delays in the adjudication of their asylum applications.

"The settlement ensures that the government will fulfill that promise to tens of thousands of our allies," said NIJC's Richard Caldarone in an interview with Law 360. Read the article here


NIJC applauds renewed TPS for Venezuelans and expanded access to work permits 

We commend the recent redesignation of Temporary Protected Status (TPS) for Venezuelans and expanded access to work permits for asylum seekers.

The Department of Homeland Security issued the TPS redesignation on October 3rd and NIJC is offering several legal services for TPS applicants and people seeking asylum.

While this is a positive step forward, we urge President Biden to take additional action to uphold U.S. asylum law and ensure access to protection for all who come seeking safety.

Read our full statement here.

Listen to NIJC Executive Director Mary Meg McCarthy on WBEZ discussing TPS for Venezuelans and the expansion of work permits for asylum seekers.


NIJC client Angela shares detention experience with members of Congress

Angela Osorio, an NIJC client, courageously spoke during a congressional briefing and met with various members of Congress to discuss how being separated from her family while in detention affected her mental health.

 “After I was released from detention, I was diagnosed with PTSD and depression because of my experience. … I’m not the same person,” she said. 

We thank Angela for giving our elected officials an authentic account of the perils of detention so that they can make better decisions to move towards a more humane system without detention.

See photos of Angela's trip to D.C. and show your support on social media!


Celebrating volunteer attorneys during Pro Bono Month

October is Pro Bono Month and we're celebrating the more than 2,000 attorneys who volunteer with NIJC to represent immigrants pro bono.

This past fiscal year, our volunteer attorneys logged more than 67,000 pro bono hours to represent people from 87 countries!

Their support is invaluable to ensure people have a lawyer by their side throughout their immigration cases.


Language volunteers make big strides to help immigrant community members

Our language volunteer program has grown tremendously over the past year!

More than 150 volunteers supporting over 35 languages served 140 NIJC clients and logged 267 hours for translation and interpretation last year alone!

Keep an eye on our social media channels throughout Pro Bono Month this October as we celebrate our fantastic volunteers.

If you're interested in joining us, learn more about our language services here.


Upcoming Event: Join the NIJC 5th Annual 5K for Immigrant Justice 

Don't forget to mark your calendar for NIJC's hybrid, 5th Annual 5K For Immigrant Justice!

The hybrid event will take place in person in Goshen, Indiana on Saturday, October 28th and the virtual race week goes through November 4th.

Don't miss out on this great chance to meet and connect with other people who support immigrant rights and help fund life-changing legal services!

Sign up for the 5K!


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